
Understanding the 4Cs of a Diamond

Diamond valuation


When choosing the perfect diamond, make sure you understand the 4Cs of the diamond: the carat, the colour, the clarity, and the cut of the diamond. 

Here is an overview of the four characteristics to help you to select the perfect diamond. 

        1. Carat: The Weight of the Diamond 

The carat weight measures the apparent size of the diamond. Diamond prices tend to increase with the carat weight because larger diamonds are more captivating. However, the diamond with the same weight can be of different values depending on the other Cs. Especially while considering contemporary diamond necklace designs, it is essential to understand the carat weight.  

        2. Colour: The Hue of the Diamond 

This actually refers to the lack of colour in diamonds. A completely clear diamond is considered to be of the highest quality and value, while brown and yellow diamonds are of lower quality. However, many individuals prefer diamonds with a yellowish tinge as they give off a warmer appearance. So, do not hesitate to discuss your preferences with your jewellers. 

        3. Clarity: The Flawlessness of the Diamond  

Clarity refers to how transparent a diamond is. It is determined by the presence or absence of imperfections in the diamond, called ‘inclusions’. When the experts grade the clarity of diamonds, they look at how big these inclusions are and how they impact the appearance of the diamond. Diamonds with higher clarity are the perfect choice for brilliant jewellery. 

        4. Cut: The Brilliance of the Diamond  

Out of all the 4Cs, the cut defines the beauty of the diamond. While determining the quality of the cut, the diamond grader evaluates the cutter’s skill in fashioning the diamond. A well-cut diamond tends to have more life and sparkle than an unstructured one.